Saturday 25 January 2014

Feudal democracy or democratized feudalism

Himachal today witnessed its 44th Statehood day. However, had democracy in real sense prevailed in the state. The Chief Minister, Virbhadra Singh was on a 5 day winter sojourn to Kangra district from January 21 to January 25. First of all the term winter sojourn smacks of feudal character. The term, Winter Sojourn of CM, projects him as if a feudal lord was coming to give audience to his subjects residing in lower areas.
During the five day stay of CM at Kangra the entire district administration followed him day and night. None of the senior officials or head of departments was available in his office and general public had to suffer.
Why should people go to the CM for petty works when they can get them redressed at the DC or SDM levels.
During the rallies the CM was addressed as Raja Sahib due to his status as former ruler of Rampur state. The congress leaders exhibited such sycophancy during their political speeches that can put to shame any common man.
When will people of Himachal get rid of this feudal democracy or democratized feudalism.

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