Monday, 3 March 2014

Different truths about Crimea and Ukraine crises

Crimea a part of Ukraine,  is in news these days. A part of Ukraine a former state of USSR is in crises with a section of population wanting to be part of European Union while the rest wanting to be with Russia. However, the news regarding the crises leaves one confused as different news channels are acting as propaganda machinery for the respective countries or interests.

1: The BBC and CNN are reporting that Russia has send troops in Crimea a port city of Ukraine and has virtually taken control of the area. The US president and NATO a group of European countries and US are threatening Russia with economic sanctions in case it interfered in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

2: Russia today, however, presents as entirely different picture. Russian today Anchor was saying,' US policy makers seem to be living in 5th century. They think themselves as ancient kingdom of Athens who can interfere and take control of other countries. The Athens was defeated in its effort' the anchor said. Russia today was broadcasting US threat of economic sanctions was a bluff. The US was under 16 trillion dollar debt and it is raising its debt ceiling. The European countries are also in dire economic state and are in no position to help Ukraine.

About Syria the Russia today said that the UK soldiers are fighting against the existing regime and are supplying arms with humanitarian aid.
 Now who is speaking the truth only the time can tell or we can say that history would be written in favour of the victor.

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